For much of the century there’s been an ongoing debate about whether are desktops better than laptops. There have been passionate advocates on both sides of the debate.

Are Desktops Better than Laptops?
For those who opt for desktops, they love the stability, and strength that these computers offer. Desktops have the space to include all of the latest Hardware and an ample amount of cooling no matter how robust the system is. This cooling option will be so important to the computer & can help the powerful components to make the system faster, more reliable, and able to take on any task.
Desktops also have a reputation for lasting longer. They are highly upgradeable. Components can be taken out easily and replaced with newer more powerful versions without having to purchase an entirely new unit. Computer repairs on a desktop is much simpler than a laptop. The parts are readily accessible for a computer technician and swapping out those parts is extremely easy. Therefore, if you will need computer support, a desktop will be a better choice than a laptop.
Desktop Downsides
Of course the downside of a desktop is that it is a large, stationary, and if there’s a need for repair, it can be cumbersome to transport to the computer repair shop. However whether it is a hard drive repair or the repair of some other vital component, the desktop will be less expensive and parts will be more readily available than with the laptop.
What if a desktop isn’t better than laptop?
Laptop computers have become more powerful, better made, and lighter. some laptops can almost rival the performance of desktop computers, and in fact only the top of the line desktop computers leave the best laptops in the dust. Laptops have a great edge over desktop computers because they are portable.
You can take them anywhere you need to go from a coffee shop, to a morning commute on the subway, and even on vacation, and always be ready to get your work done. This level of portability fits into the average workers lifestyle and maybe an indispensable feature when purchasing a computer.
Laptop Downsides
No matter how powerful the laptop is, there will always be compromises when you purchase one. Because laptops are designed to be light in weight and portable, they use components that are specifically designed for their size and weight. These components will never be as robust as those found in the desktop and you will therefore sacrifice speed and in some cases durability. For instance the higher the clock speed of a computer’s Central processing unit, the more heat it will generate.
Heat is dissipated in a computer by fans and heat sinks. Because a laptop has limited space, the amount of fans and heat sinks are also limited. As a result a laptop will be limited in its speed. Laptops are all so much more expensive to be fixed than desktops. When you’ll need laptop screen repair, laptop keyboard repair or some other laptop fix, the cost might make you want to reconsider your decision and even begin thinking of buying a new one. There’s also the potential for parts Repairing taking a long time. Many repair shops will have to send out for parts for your laptop causing you headaches and potentially lost work.
The Conclusion
In the end, your decision about whether are desktops better than laptops, should be made based on your needs and lifestyle. If you are able to do the vast majority of your work in one location and you need a powerful and stable computer, a desktop still might be your best option. However if you are constantly on the go, and need to be able to set your computer up anywhere and get to work, a laptop is by far the right way to go.
by Tyron Tromp
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